Welcome to UNlimitED Ocean Springs MS

At UOSM, we believe in the Lord Jesus, love inclusively and leadership mentorship.  We believe in creating an inclusive and welcoming community for all. Our mission is to provide support, resources,  education, advocacy and opportunities for everyone, regardless of background or ability while fostering community cohesiveness through restoration and sustainability projects.

Join the UNLimitED OSM family in making a positive impact and building a brighter future together. Click below. You will be redirected to our Members App Space.



Education Programs

Our Education Programs are designed to provide accessible and quality learning opportunities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. We believe in the power of education to transform lives and communities.

Community Events

Join us at any of our Community Events where the Action Committee and the community come together to celebrate diversity, share experiences, and create meaningful connections.These events are open to everyone and are designed to be inclusive and engaging.

Resource Advocacy

Our Resource Advocacy services aim to connect individuals and families with the resources and support they need to thrive. We are dedicated to advocating for equal access and opportunities for all members of our community.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get involved in your programs?

You can get involved by volunteering, attending our events, or simply reaching out to us to learn more.

Do you offer support for individuals with disabilities?

Yes, we are committed to providing support and resources for individuals with disabilities.

What types of community events do you organize?

We organize a variety of events including cultural celebrations, workshops, and social gatherings for the community.

“UNlimitED OSM has been a game-changer for me. The sense of belonging and support I've found here is truly remarkable. I'm grateful for the amazing community they've started to build.”

— Sarah 

Contact us

Reach out to us with any questions, feedback, or collaboration ideas. We'd love to hear from you!



Ocean Springs,

Mississippi, United States

About us

UNlimitED Ocean Springs, Ms. is a community organization dedicated to promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunities for all. We believe in the power of unity and collaboration to create positive change. Through our programs, events, and advocacy efforts, we strive to build a community where everyone feels valued and supported.